Registration & Code of conduct Agreement


The Hope Valley Junior Football Club is committed to providing an environment in which all players, their families and supporters show respect for each other, display good sportsmanship and as a result, abide by the Club’s Code of Conduct.

The General Code of Conduct is:

  1. Players and their Parents, Guardians, families and supporters will at all times conduct themselves in a manner so as not to bring the Club and Association into disrepute.

  2. All problems that do occur and require an explanation or action can only be done through team or Club officials.

  3. Players will at all times be fair to other players and abide by the official’s decision

  4. Any player found to be involved with or displaying illegal drugs or found to be mistreating persons or property will face the Committee for the harshest of penalties.

The General Code of Conduct seeks to promote the acceptable behaviour expected of all players, families and supporters during all HVJFC activities.

We aim to ensure that all Players, families and supporters can participate in all HVJFC activities without disruption from any individual or group.

(Activities include training, games, presentation nights and any occasion where players, families and supporters are representing the HVJFC)



The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures that will be adopted by the HVJFC when inappropriate behaviour is being displayed or has been reported. This includes behaviour of players, families and supporters at any Club activity.

Inappropriate behaviour is any behaviour that a person in authority (Coach, Team Manager or Club Official etc) deems to be outside of the expected norms of behaviour or brings discredit on the HVJFC.

First Offence:  The person in authority observing the behaviour (or who has had the behaviour reported to them) will speak to those involved. This will be reported to the Club Secretary who will record the warning and send formal letters to the offenders.

Second Offence:  The matter will be referred directly to the Behaviour Committee who will decide the most appropriate course of action. This action could include (but is not limited to) a formal meeting between those involved and members of the Committee to a final written warning to expulsion from the Club.

Note: if the inappropriate behaviour involves a player, the parents or guardian and the Team Coach will be informed in the first instance and will be involved in any action undertaken.

This policy may vary if the inappropriate behaviour is of a serious nature. In these cases, the matter will be referred directly to the Behaviour Committee (as for a second offence).

AUTHORITY: The Hope Valley Junior Football Club Committee





1. Focus upon the child’s efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the event

2. Teach the children that an honest effort is as important as victory

3. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake.

4. Remember - children are involved in organized sport for their enjoyment NOT yours.

5. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.

6. Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators, because without them, your child could not participate.

7. Respect the official’s decision and teach children to do like-wise.

8. If you disagree with an official’s decision, raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than question the official’s judgement and honesty in public.

9. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.




1. Learn the rules of the game and play by them at all times.

2. Never argue with an official. If you disagree, raise your concern with your Coach or Team Manager who will raise the issue through the appropriate channels. Remember only the Team Manager can approach the Umpire or official during a break or after the game.

3. Distracting or provoking opponents or verbally abusing players and officials is not permitted.

4. Work hard for your Team, its performance will benefit and so will yours!

5. Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are for your team or the opposition.

6. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

7. Co-operate with your Coach, Team officials and fellow team-mates.




Should it be necessary for a player to have any medical treatment,  qualified practitioners are to administer any treatment deemed necessary. 

Parents/players agree to pay all expenses, which may exceed amounts to be recovered from their health insurance.  This includes ambulance costs. 

Every reasonable care will be taken of players, but Club Managers, Coaches, Officials and Instructors cannot accept personal responsibility for any damage to clothing or property or for any sickness or injury to a player. 



Note: By completing the online registration you are as the Parent and Player (if applicable) indicate that that you have read, understood and agreed to abide by the Conditions of the above Parent and Player’s Code of Conduct.

A Parent and Player’s failure to abide by these Codes will result in Committee action.



By completing the online registration you are as the Parent and Player (if applicable) indicate that that you have read, understood and agreed to abide by the Conditions of the above Parent and Player’s Code of Conduct.

A Parent and Player’s failure to abide by these Codes will result in Committee action.